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Pay Disparity, Tokenism, Bias: Racism in the Influencer Industry

Influencer marketing is still in a nascent stage. Already it is riddled with racism.

Collage Credits: Instagram, Open Fohr, Influencer Pay Gap

Black creators want transparency and equality within the multibillion-dollar influencer industry.

The killing of George Floyd and subsequent global protests have rocked virtually all industries, including the business of influencing. The relatively young field of influencer marketing, just over a decade old, is riddled with racism, say influencers and talent managers. Black influencers on marketing platforms, including Fohr, say they are paid less than white peers, overlooked for advertising campaigns, and unable to negotiate on offers and terms.

The claims, highlighted in a number of Instagram accounts that have sprung up over the past month, portray the influencer industry as failing Black creators, and target what they see as companies’ hypocritical branding around authenticity and inclusivity.

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